Project Overview
Financial and time constraints limit small-sized
agritourism operators' access to consultants and international producer
organizations, which offer unique diversification options. This project aimed
to address these limitations by providing training on marketing, production and
legal risks associated with agritourism diversification for small farms looking
to explore different agritourism activities. The project team successfully
hosted five webinars, with a total attendance of 592 participants. The webinar
evaluation revealed that 90% of attendees found these to be extremely and very
useful and 72% of attendees planned to further investigate the introduced
diversification options as an opportunity for their farm or agritourism
business. By the end of the project period, these webinars had garnered an
additional 469 views. The reach of our diversification webinars extended far
beyond the Northeast, attracting attendees from over 40 U.S. states, as well as
Canada and other countries. In-depth agritourism consultations using GIS were
held with four producers. Additionally, the project produced nine educational
articles, which collectively received 1,216 unique page views. In-person
education sessions were also conducted, attended by 103 agricultural producers
and agritourism operators. Overall, this project bridged an important gap for
small agritourism operators, providing them with valuable knowledge and
resources to diversify their offerings and succeed in the industry.
Number of Participants: 699
There are no promotional materials available for this project.
There are no educational materials available for this project.
There are no reports or evaluations available for this project.